
Monday 21 June 2010

Alternative Therapy

I started Reflexolgy a couple of months back and can recommend it as a complement to talking and medication.  When I first went I was a bit cynical but felt relaxed afterwards so that's got to be good, right? The last time I was in the middle of a crisis and turned up puffy eyed and emotional.  An hour of a relaxing back massage, more tears and Reflexology and I was a changed person.  I came out of there full of energy and calm - amzing really seeing as prior to the appointment I could hardly get out of bed and was unmotivated to do so. (The fear of pissing off a Swissie by not keeping an appointment was greater than the comfort of my duvet). My Godmother has severe back problems and had recommended Reflexology to me but I was a bit reluctant but slightly curious - after all, in the clinic I had been converted to Shiatsu massage by a master of the practice and promised myself to keep it up but there is no-one local who practices it entailing an hour long commute to the nearest town.
Yep, it definately works and even if I don't feel such a strong change as the crisis day, it is still "me" time and time to chill out and relax from the dark thoughts which are constantly on my mind at present.

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